International Research Project Meeting focused on Climate Change organized by ISGNRR, CAS, China

An International Research Project Meeting focused on Climate Change (Vegetation Restoration and Carbon Sequestration Potential of Farmland Abandonment etc) that was organized by Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISGNRR, CAS), China. The meeting held in Kathmandu, Nepal. As this was first meeting after the approval of project from National Natural Science Foundation of China so the objective of meeting was to have planning and to carry further proceedings of project in China & Pakistan. The participants & members include Prof. Dr. Li Xiubin, Prof. Dr. Tan Minghong, Pof. Dr. Wang Xue, Hengfei Song, Fuyao Zhang, Zhenyu Huang, Yunxi Liu, Guoan Xiao from ISGNRR, CAS, China. Prof. Dr. Prajal Pradhan from University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Dr. Shaukat Ali, Sick Kids Hospital, Canada. Prof. Dr. Wajid Nasim Jatoi, Director International Center for Climate Change, Food Security & Sustainability (ICCFS), The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB), Pakistan (being Principal Investgator from Pakistan) and Representatives from Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, China. During the sessions, followed by discussions on climate change and mitigation strategies with a special emphasis on the role of multi-stakeholders to have success in the project. This project includes lot of opportunities for master and PhD students to work on and also student exchange program between China & Pakistan.https://www.facebook.com/share/p/G4KrNpJbhdnvagog/?mibextid=oFDknk